Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

2050 x 4400

Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

1025 x 2200
843 KB - JPEG

Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

4100 x 8800
10 MB - JPEG

Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean

Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean
region: At
Cape Verde Islands
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -27.0000
projection center lat: +26.0000
image center lon: -27
image center lat: +26
standard parallel: +25.0000
UL lon: -31.1734
UL lat: +47.4948
UR lon: -11.5246
UR lat: +42.7232
LR lon: -22.8249
LR lat: +4.5014
LL lon: -42.4737
LL lat: +9.2730
UL easting (km): -420.5855
UL northing (km): +5281.1825
UR easting (km): +1559.5624
UR northing (km): +4750.6034
LR easting (km): +420.7586
LR northing (km): +500.5298
LL easting (km): -1559.3893
LL northing (km): +1031.1088
x scale factor: +0.9063077870366499
rotation angle: +15.0000
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T120711230 T120711235 T120711240

Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.

Published March 11, 2012
Data acquired March 11, 2012

Terra > MODIS
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