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Alexandria (Al Iskandariya), Egypt
540 x 359 48 KB - JPEG
Published December 31, 2000
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540 x 359 JPEG
This image of Alexandria was taken by astronauts on board the International Space Station in December 2000 using an Electronic Still Camera.
Erosion by Ice and Water in the Southern Andes
540 x 360 JPEG
Published December 24, 2000
This scene on the remote, rugged Argentine/Chilean border in the far southern Andes Mountains offers numerous, dramatic examples of both erosional processes and features of ice and water.
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First image of Earth from the International Space Station
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Published December 3, 2000
1530 x 1018 174 KB - JPEG
First Image of Earth from the International Space Station
Astronauts used the Electrical Still Camera (ESC) to photograph a mass of storm clouds during Expedition 1.