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New Land Around Shanghai
4500 x 4500 50 MB - GeoTIFF
Published March 31, 2017
Seawalls and dredging have created new real estate along the city’s coastlines.
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720 x 480 JPEG
4500 x 4500 15 MB - JPEG
4500 x 4500 12 MB - JPEG
4500 x 4500 46 MB - GeoTIFF
Sprawling Shanghai
Published March 17, 2017
Shanghai is one of several cities on the Yangtze River Delta that has experienced unprecedented growth.
7423 x 6695 14 MB - JPEG
7423 x 6695 16 MB - JPEG
The ‘Place of Blue Smoke’
Published January 22, 2017
The Cherokee Indians called these dark, fog-streaked hills “Shaconage”— the “Place of Blue Smoke.”
3600 x 2400 4 MB - JPEG
7500 x 7501 127 MB - GeoTIFF
Cambodia’s Forests Are Disappearing
720 x 545 PNG
Published January 10, 2017
Forests are being turned into rubber plantations, farmland, and timber at a rapid rate.
3660 x 3660 12 MB - JPEG
3660 x 3660 9 MB - JPEG
3000 x 2000 5 MB - PNG
Glacier Change Threatens Andes Communities
Published December 23, 2016
Like an avalanche, a glacial outpouring can scour the hillside, washing away whole villages. But the slow disappearance of glaciers is a threat more subtle, though just as damaging.
2206 x 2206 4 MB - JPEG
Everglades National Park
720 x 540 JPEG
Published November 12, 2016
Management and restoration features are visible in Florida’s unique subtropical wilderness.
4530 x 4530 5 MB - JPEG
4530 x 4530 38 MB - GeoTIFF
9059 x 9059 10 MB Bytes - JPEG
9059 x 9059 156 MB - GeoTIFF
Salt Lake Water Woes
Published November 3, 2016
In October 2016, one of America’s largest lakes reached its lowest level on record.
2667 x 2491 7 MB - JPEG
2667 x 2491 6 MB - JPEG
Nairobi Swells with Urban Growth
Published September 30, 2016
For the past few decades, Africans have been moving from rural areas into cities, seeking work. The continent’s urban population has skyrocketed. Nairobi is a prime example of that migration, with its population pushing upward and its boundaries pushing outward.
2000 x 2000 3 MB - JPEG
2000 x 2000 8 MB - GeoTIFF
4000 x 4000 5 MB - JPEG
4000 x 4000 37 MB - GeoTIFF
How Cities and Suburbs Affect Chesapeake Bay
Published September 20, 2016
While the amount of pollution that wastewater treatment plants contribute to the Bay is declining, the spread of asphalt, pavement, and other impervious surfaces in suburbs and cities is increasing stormwater pollution.
2000 x 2000 9 MB - GeoTIFF
1786 x 1190 3 MB - PNG
4248 x 2584 1 MB Bytes - JPEG