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Colima Volcano Erupts in Mexico
540 x 405 JPEG
Published February 7, 2002
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540 x 405 44 KB - JPEG
McMurdo Dry Valleys
Published January 26, 2002
One of the few areas of Antarctica not covered by thousands of meters of ice, the McMurdo Dry Valleys stand out in this satellite image. For a few weeks each summer temperatures are warm enough to melt glacial ice, creating streams that feed freshwater lakes that lie at the bottom of the valleys.
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4000 x 3000 32 MB - GeoTIFF
Nyiragongo Volcano before the Eruption
Published January 23, 2002
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Tucson, Arizona, and its Surroundings
Published January 21, 2002
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Aftermath of World Trade Center Attack
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Published September 13, 2001
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Drought in the Klamath River Basin
2516 x 2515 3 MB - JPEG
Published September 8, 2001
For more than 100 years, groups in the western United States have fought over water. During the 1880s, sheep ranchers and cattle ranchers argued over drinking water for their livestock on the high plains. In 1913, the city of Los Angeles began to draw water away from small agricultural communities in Owen Valley, leaving a dusty dry lake bed. In the late 1950s, construction of the Glen Canyon Dam catalyzed the American environmental movement. Today, farmers are fighting fishermen, environmentalists, and Native American tribes over the water in the Upper Klamath River Basin. The Landsat 7 satellite, launched by NASA and operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, documented an extreme drought in the area along the California/Oregon border in the spring of 2001.
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Coral Bleaching in French Polynesia
Published August 10, 2001
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