SeaWiFS: Lake Winnipeg - related image preview

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SeaWiFS: Lake Winnipeg - related image preview

734 x 782
1 MB Bytes - PNG

SeaWiFS: Lake Winnipeg

Because of its relatively shallow depth, Lake Winnipeg's bottom sediments are routinely resuspended by wave action. The resulting turbidity is evident in this SeaWiFS image of the lake. The lake's eutrophic nature is also apparent from the green color of the water. The eutrophication is a natural feature of the lake but is also contributed to by the city of Winnipeg and by agricultural runoff.

Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE

Published October 10, 2000
Data acquired October 10, 2000

OrbView-2 > SeaWiFS