Glaciers, Climate Change, and Sea-Level Rise - selected child image

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Glaciers, Climate Change, and Sea-Level Rise

Images courtesy of Tad Pfeffer, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. Detailed image credits: 1) Columbia Glacier c. 1980 by Austin Post, U.S. Geological Survey, 2) Columbia Glacier 2005 by Tad Pfeffer, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, 3) Arapaho Glacier 1898 by R.S. Brackett, published in Waldrop, R.S. (1964) Arapaho Glacier: A Sixty Year Record. University of Colorado Studies, Series in Geology, No 3, and 4) Arapaho Glacier 2003 by Tad Pfeffer.

Published July 13, 2005