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Published August 7, 2006
This MODIS Terra image, acquired August 2, 2006, shows most of Greece, with its jagged coastline, and many islands and peninsulas. Also shown are the countries surrounding Greece to the north - from left to right they are Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Turkey. The red dots on...
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Fires in Northern Washington
Published August 6, 2006
In the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in northern Washington, a complex of two large fires that started in July continued to burn on August 2, 2006. The Tripod Complex Fire was burning in beetle-killed lodgepole pine forests and had grown to more than 40,000 acres...
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Burn Scars in Central Africa
Published August 3, 2006
South of the Sahara Desert, agricultural burning dominates the savanna landscape in Africa in the dry season. Vast areas of the continent burn every year as people set fire to range and crop lands to clear or renew them...
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The Beaufort Sea
Published July 31, 2006
This MODIS Terra image, captured July 25, 2006, shows the Beaufort Sea, a large body of water which is actually part of the Arctic Ocean. Located north of the Northwest Territories, the Yukon, and Alaska and west of Canada's Arctic islands, its northwestern boundary is defined by a line connecting Point Barrow, Alaska...
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Dust Storm over the Red Sea
Published July 30, 2006
This MODIS Terra image, acquired July 25, 2006, shows a dust storm blowing off the coast of Sudan (left), out over the Red Sea. The Red Sea separates the African countries like Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia from...
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Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert
Published July 27, 2006
This MODIS Aqua image, captured July 26th, shows an active dust storm in the Taklimakan Desert in Western China! A sandy haze covers most of the oval shaped desert, which sits in a depression between to high mountain ranges. Some of the desert's sand dunes are visible in...
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Tropical Storm Beryl approaching New England
Published July 25, 2006
Tropical Storm Beryl, with its beautiful spiral shape, was offshore of New Jersey, Long Island, and Connecticut when the MODIS on the Aqua satellite captured this image on July 20, 2006. This storm...
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Spain and Algeria
Published July 24, 2006
This MODIS Terra image, acquired on July 10th, shows southern Spain, and separated from it by the Mediterranean Sea, the African country of Algeria. Just off the image to the left would be the straights of Gibralter, where Spain nearly touches...
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Fires in Central and Southern Africa
Published July 23, 2006
On July 10, 2006, thousands of fires were burning across the savannas of central and southern Africa when the MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite passed overhead. Each place where MODIS detected an actively burning fire has been marked in red in this scene...
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The Netherlands
Published July 20, 2006
The Netherlands are featured in this MODIS, Terra image from July 17, 2006. Netherlands, which means, literally 'low lands' is very flat. About half its surface area is less than 1 meter above sea level, and large parts ...
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Haze over the United States East Coast
Published July 17, 2006
The East Coast of the US is featured in this MODIS Terra image, captured July 11, 2006. The region has experienced high temperatures - the haze you see in the image is likely a result of this. Smog (a word coined from the words 'smoke' and 'fog') is a...
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Fires in Central Canada
Published July 8, 2006
Smoke continued to pour from fires in central and western Canada in the first week of July. This image from the MODIS on NASA’s Terra satellite on July 5, 2006, shows thick gray smoke hanging over Alberta...
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