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Dust in the Sahara Desert
Published January 5, 2005
Orange-tan veils of dust sweep across the Sahara Desert in northwestern Africa in this true-color Aqua MODIS image acquired July 18, 2005. The dust curls through northern Mali and southern Algeria in this image, obscuring the dramatic geography of the land below. Little to no vegetation grows in this region, and what little does is mostly shrubbery...
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Ash from Soufriere Hills Volcano
On July 28, 2005, the Aqua MODIS instrument took this picture of a delicate plume of volcanic ash drifting westward from the Soufriere Hills Volcano on Montserrat. Montserrat appears in the middle of the image. Surrounding the island are its neighbors, several of them ringed in bright blue-green...
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Fires in the Southeast Amazon
Deep green stretches of forest reach into the marshy Matto Grosso region of Brazil in this true-color Terra MODIS image acquired July 2, 2005. Fires in and along the edges of the forest send tendrils of blue-grey smoke drifting into the atmosphere to join white clouds. At the bottom left corner of the image, an especially...
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Fires and smoke in central Siberia
Across the lowlands of the Central Siberian Plain in central Russia, dozens of large fires were filling the skies with thick, white smoke on August 1, 2005 when the Terra MODIS instrument captured this image. The larger version of the image shows another cluster of large fires burning on the...
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Fires in Central South America
In central South America on August 2, 2005, hundreds of active fires were detected by the Aqua MODIS instrument when it flew overhead. The active fire locations are marked in red on the scene. Fires, probably agricultural fires, are scattered across Brazil, Paraguay...
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Fires in Portugal
On August 4, 2005, the Terra MODIS instrument captured this image of fires blazing in Portugal around the coastal city of Porto. Portugal has been struggling with forest fires off and on throughout much of the summer as a multi-year drought continues to plague the country. High winds...
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Cloud vortices off Heard Island, south Indian Ocean
Clouds are made up of many small droplets of water or ice crystals. Clouds form around what is called a condensation nucleus, which could be a small particle of dust, ash, or smoke. Clouds reflect all visible wavelengths of sunlight...
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2000 x 1600 850 KB - JPEG
Dust Storms Over Iraq
On August 8, 2005, a cloud of dust struck the city of Baghdad, Iraq. Over 1,000 cases of suffocation and other respiratory ailments were reported at local hospitals. The storm looked a like a thick, orange-brown fog that forced traffic to a...
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Eruptions of Ulawun, Langila, and Rabaul volcanoes, New Britain
Three volcanoes are simultaneously erupting on the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The first, Ulawun (located in the center-right of the island), is a stratovolcano, which is a steep, conical volcano built by thick lava flows. It is very active, erupting...
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Dust Storm off Morocco
A long swath of dust, visible on the left portion of the image, is blowing from the Western Sahara into the Atlantic Ocean. The islands in the lower left are a part of the Canary Islands, a possession of Spain. Also visible is the...
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Western Mongolia
The rugged and remote Altai Mountains (running diagonally from the upper left to lower right of the image) tower over the surrounding basin of desert, steppe, forest, and taiga ecosystems. The large lake at the top of the image is Uvs Nuur, which is approximately the size...
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Hurricane Irene off Eastern US
As of 5 a.m., August 18, Irene was classified as a “tropical storm”. At that time, Irene was located about 625 km (385 miles) south-southeast of Newfoundland, Canada. When this image was acquired on August 15, Irene was considerably...
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