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Snow in East China
Published February 14, 2006
Winter snow painted the North China Plain white in a storm that snarled traffic on February 6, 2006. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image the following day. The snow highlights how...
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337 x 411 102 KB Bytes - JPEG
1100 x 1350 496 KB - JPEG
2200 x 2700 2 MB - JPEG
4400 x 5400 3 MB - JPEG
Dust storm in Iraq and Syria
Published February 13, 2006
A large dust storm was blowing over and obscuring the Tigris and Euphrates rivers when this image was acquired on February 9, 2006. Both rivers originate in Turkey and flow through Syria (the country in the upper left corner of the image) into Iraq; the Tigris is on the right (East) side of the image. A large reservoir...
337 x 253 91 KB - JPEG
800 x 600 145 KB - JPEG
1600 x 1200 505 KB - JPEG
3200 x 2400 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
Ash Plume from Soufriere Hills, Montserrat
Published February 12, 2006
The Soufriere Hills Volcano on Montserrat produces a tremendous plume of ash visible in this image captured on February 9, 2006. A thin plume of volcanic ash drifts westward from the volcano; red lines outline the volcano’s summit. The volcanic ash appears as a lighter shade...
460 x 600 54 KB - JPEG
337 x 402 97 KB - JPEG
920 x 1200 129 KB - JPEG
Dust storm in Egypt
Published February 11, 2006
A massive dust storm obscures the Nile River Valley and Delta in this image acquired on February 8, 2006. Westerly winds are kicking up dust, perhaps from the Qattara Depression (just below and to the left of the approximate center of the image), one of the largest sources of dust on the planet. A series of dry lakebeds are located...
337 x 260 90 KB - JPEG
1100 x 850 292 KB - JPEG
2200 x 1700 986 KB - JPEG
4400 x 3400 2 MB - JPEG
Southern India
Published February 10, 2006
Several fires dot this image of India acquired on February 6, 2006. Haze is a persistent feature in the Northern area of the country; it obscures the upper portion of the image, which reaches to the base of the Himalayas. Across the country,...
337 x 419 131 KB - JPEG
1600 x 2100 841 KB - JPEG
3200 x 4200 3 MB - JPEG
Haze across Northern India
Published February 9, 2006
The Himalayas provide an effective barrier to the spread of haze in this image of Northern India. Haze is a generic term for visible air pollution, and can consist of dust, smoke, and other particulate matter. The Tibetan plain (in the upper right corner of the image, above the snow-capped mountains)...
337 x 259 94 KB - JPEG
1950 x 1500 855 KB - JPEG
3900 x 3000 3 MB - JPEG
7800 x 6000 8 MB - JPEG
Yucatan Peninsula
Published February 8, 2006
Phytoplankton, mixed in with sediment and other organic matter, show up as blue-green swirls along the coastal margin of the Yucatan Peninsula in this image acquired on February 5, 2006. A very large barrier reef is visible off of the eastern coast of the peninsula, running north and south along the right side of the image. Second only to Australia's Great Barrier Reef...
337 x 253 97 KB - JPEG
800 x 600 179 KB - JPEG
1600 x 1200 666 KB - JPEG
3200 x 2400 2 MB - JPEG
Snow on Honshu
Published February 7, 2006
Snow is a rare sight in Japan’s capital city, Tokyo. But on January 25, 2006, snow is exactly what this image shows. Tokyo, located in the upper right portion of the image, was hit with a rare snow storm on January 21. As much as 3.5 inches fell in the center of the city...
337 x 361 133 KB - JPEG
960 x 720 281 KB - JPEG
1920 x 1440 960 KB - JPEG
3840 x 2880 2 MB - JPEG
Snow, fog, and low clouds in Central Europe
Published February 6, 2006
A series of images demonstrate how satellite imagery can been used to distinguish –and map – between snow and clouds. The first image that displays is a “true color composite” image of snow, fog, and low clouds in Central Europe. With this type of image...
337 x 438 154 KB - JPEG
1000 x 1300 460 KB - JPEG
2000 x 2600 2 MB - JPEG
4000 x 5200 4 MB - JPEG
Cloud streets along the Alaska Peninsula
Published February 4, 2006
The striking patterns visible in this image are called “cloud streets”. Cloud streets are a regular feature of the middle and high latitudes; these are located along the Alaska Peninsula, just south of Anchorage. Cloud streets form when...
337 x 259 106 KB - JPEG
1300 x 1000 621 KB - JPEG
2600 x 2000 2 MB - JPEG
5200 x 4000 6 MB - JPEG
Floods in Bolivia
Published February 3, 2006
Widespread flooding raged across Bolivia during the final week of January 2006 after thunderstorms inundated the country with heavy rain. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured the image of flooding in the southwestern desert on January 29, 2006; this is the image that displays when you first open the page. The floods appear to have turned...
337 x 350 142 KB - JPEG
1300 x 1500 989 KB - JPEG
2600 x 3000 3 MB - JPEG
5200 x 6000 8 MB - JPEG
Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
Published February 2, 2006
The Augustine Volcano was continuing to erupt, spewing ash, steam, and gases high into the atmosphere, when this image was acquired on January 30, 2006. The eruption began on Friday, January 27. The volcano is located on an uninhabited island
400 x 300 51 KB - JPEG
337 x 284 112 KB - JPEG
800 x 600 185 KB - JPEG
1600 x 1200 481 KB - JPEG