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Rainbow Bridge National Monument
Published May 30, 2010
Acquired on May 23, 2010, this natural-color image shows the Colorado Plateau’s Rainbow Bridge, a natural sandstone arch, casting a slim shadow to the northwest.
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720 x 480 JPEG
2000 x 2000 3 MB - JPEG
Grinnell Glacier, Glacier National Park
Published May 13, 2010
The retreat of Grinnell Glacier, in the heart of Glacier National Park, since 1950 is revealed in this image from August 21, 2003.
720 x 442 JPEG
3422 x 3422 2 MB - JPEG
2000 x 3000 18 MB - GeoTIFF
167 KB - KML/KMZ
Sequoia National Park
Published November 15, 2009
Acquired October 22, 2008, this true-color image of Sequoia National Park shows a network of varied ecosystem, including conifer forests, river valleys, alpine vegetation, and bare rocks.
2274 x 1516 2 MB - JPEG
Kipuka, Craters of the Moon
Published October 14, 2009
This "kipuka" in Craters of the Moon National Monument is an area of undisturbed grassland surrounded by a lava flow.
5225 x 7221 4 MB - JPEG
White Sands National Monument
Published July 12, 2009
Captured on June 27, 2009, this true-color image shows part of the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, where brilliant white gypsum dunes slowly migrate toward the northeast.
3600 x 4800 4 MB - JPEG
3600 x 4800 45 MB - GeoTIFF
Yosemite National Park
Published May 31, 2009
Naked summits alternate with forested lowlands in Yosemite Valley in this image acquired on August 18, 2001.
2400 x 3000 5 MB - JPEG
Redwood National Park
Published February 22, 2009
State parks had already been established in the region when the U.S. Congress established northern California’s Redwood National Park in 1968.
2400 x 3000 4 MB - JPEG
2400 x 3000 12 MB - GeoTIFF
Gettysburg National Military Park
Published February 12, 2009
Soldiers’ National Cemetery, where U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivered the “Gettysburg Address” in November 1863, appears in this Ikonos satellite image from June 25, 2003.
2500 x 2000 5 MB - JPEG
Joshua Tree National Park, California
Published January 29, 2009
Three topographic and climatic zones converge in California’s Joshua Tree National Park, enriching the park’s biodiversity. The diverse terrain is shown in this Landsat image from May 28, 2003.
4000 x 4000 4 MB - JPEG
4000 x 4000 41 MB - GeoTIFF
Red Rocks in Glacier National Park
Published August 21, 2008
Geologically recent events sculpted the rocks of Glacier National Park into sharp mountain peaks and steep-walled valleys.
540 x 405 JPEG
2353 x 3446 5 MB - JPEG
Zion Canyon, Utah
Published May 26, 2008
Located in southwestern Utah along the western margin of the Colorado Plateau, the park was established in 1919 after roadway improvements allowed access to the Mukuntuweap National Monument.
1080 x 810 582 KB - JPEG
Island in the Sky, Canyonlands National Park
Published January 3, 2008
This park in Utah encompasses some of the most remote and rugged terrain in the continental United States.
540 x 540 JPEG
4645 x 2608 4 MB - JPEG