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NASA satellites and sensors constantly take the pulse of our planet, measuring how Earth changes by the day, season, year, and decade. Researchers and resource managers analyze those measurements and apply them on local and regional scales to better manage things like our food and water supplies, health, safety, land use, and ecosystems. NASA data is also used by other government agencies to help with responses to natural disasters and emergencies around the country and the world.
Scientist-Volunteers Map Landslides from Nepal Quakes
Published June 4, 2015
A multinational team is trying to map landslide hazards in Nepal before the summer monsoon adds to the region’s misery.
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2375 x 1750 2 MB - JPEG
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4000 x 4000 29 MB - GeoTIFF
Satellites Spot Fields Idled by Drought
Published January 30, 2015
Analysis of Landsat and MODIS data showed where agricultural production was affected by long-term drought in California.
720 x 720 JPEG
Put a Lid on It
Published June 27, 2014
Devices that limit NOx emissions from electric power plants have helped clear the air over the United States.
720 x 480 PNG
435 KB - PDF
Sulfur Dioxide Increasing Over India
Published December 20, 2013
A new analysis of data from the Aura satellite shows greater concentrations of this atmospheric pollutant.
720 x 540 JPEG
1968 x 1965 843 KB - JPEG
1968 x 1965 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
1968 x 1965 879 KB - JPEG
1968 x 1965 911 KB - JPEG
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ISERV observes flooding in Calgary
Published June 29, 2013
A camera system on the International Space Station observed the high water and muddy aftermath in southern Alberta, Canada.
4659 x 5892 6 MB - JPEG
3456 x 5184 7 MB - JPEG
Water Storage Maps Show Improvement
Published June 18, 2013
At the surface, moisture is more abundant than in 2012. But time will tell if it seeps down to restore aquifers parched by drought.
720 x 839 JPEG
18 MB - MOV
101 MB Bytes - MOV
New ISS Eyes See Rio San Pablo
Published March 3, 2013
ISERV Pathfinder camera system may eventually provide needed Earth observations to developing countries.
720 x 944 JPEG
3451 x 4525 8 MB - JPEG
Signs of the U.S. Drought Are Underground
Published September 20, 2012
The GRACE satellites can detect the movement and depletion of water supplies at and below Earth’s surface.
720 x 1236 JPEG
9 MB - MOV
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Tiny Shrimp, Big Changes
Published June 15, 2012
Aquaculture along the coast of the Gulf of Fonseca shows the delicate balance between coastal development and conservation.
720 x 360 JPEG
1800 x 1800 3 MB - JPEG
7 MB - GeoTIFF
134 KB - KML/KMZ
Oil Slick Around Mississippi Barrier Islands
Published June 29, 2010
On June 26, 2010, oil was visible in the waters surrounding Horn and Petit Bois Islands following the Deepwater Horizon spill.
3400 x 2800 3 MB - JPEG
3200 x 3200 24 MB - GeoTIFF
Human Ecosystems
Published October 2, 2009
This global map shows Earth’s anthropogenic biomes—ecological patterns caused or influenced by human activity.
720 x 360 PNG
4320 x 2160 782 KB - PNG
Crop Recovery in Afghanistan
Published June 12, 2009
A vegetation index image shows areas of above-average crop growth in northern Afghanistan, following beneficial rains in March and April 2009.
3900 x 2600 5 MB - JPEG
3900 x 2600 22 MB - GeoTIFF