Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired February 22, 2011 300 x 250 30 KB - JPEG
Data acquired February 22, 2011 1200 x 1000 275 KB - JPEG
Data acquired February 22, 2011 600 x 500 107 KB - JPEG
Ash plume and ash on snow from Kizimen, Kamchatka Peninsula, eastern Russia region: As volcano sat: Aqua projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: +161.0000 projection center lat: +55.0000 image center lon: +161 image center lat: +55 standard parallel: +55.0000 UL lon: +158.6501 UL lat: +56.1232 UR lon: +163.3538 UR lat: +56.1232 LR lon: +163.3538 LR lat: +53.8749 LL lon: +158.6501 LL lat: +53.8749 UL easting (km): -149.8750 UL northing (km): +6240.6250 x scale factor: +0.5735764363510462 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jeff Schmaltz L2 granules: A110530145 A110530150
Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.
Published February 22, 2011 Data acquired February 22, 2011