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Soil Moisture Maps
176 MB - MOV
Published September 5, 2003
Related images:
540 x 390 JPEG
1077 x 690 295 KB - JPEG
597 KB - MOV
2 MB - MOV
Change in Global Plant Productivity
540 x 270 JPEG
Published June 6, 2003
2510 x 1257 556 KB - JPEG
Map of the Human Footprint
540 x 274 GIF
Published March 3, 2003
1219 x 628 101 KB Bytes - GIF
Apollo 17 Anniversary
540 x 405 JPEG
Published December 7, 2002
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission and the famous “Blue Marble” full Earth image, Goddard Space Flight Center’s Visualization and Analysis Lab has rendered a new visualization inspired by the mission.
1280 x 720 117 KB - JPEG
Global Wind Speed
503 x 582 JPEG
Published October 9, 2001
245 KB - MOV
The International Space Station’s New Destiny Module
Published February 16, 2001
With much of their time committed to construction of the International Space Station, astronauts and cosmonauts are also beginning their first scientific studies. The Destiny Laboratory just joined to the International Space Station includes the best optical quality window ever flown on a human-occupied spacecraft. The window will eventually host a number of remote sensing experiments that will use a special rack system, the Window Observational Research Facility or WORF, for mechanical and electrical support (Eppler et al. 1996). Until the WORF is complete in June 2002, astronauts are photographing the Earth’s surface as part of an early project, Crew Earth Observations.
3200 x 2400 2 MB - JPEG