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Summer in Connecticut
720 x 480 JPEG
Published January 16, 2023
Experiences surrounding Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s time spent working on a tobacco farm likely influenced his future as a minister and civil rights activist.
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5225 x 5225 12 MB - JPEG
6585 x 4390 3 MB - JPEG
Ireland’s Cutaway Peatlands
720 x 540 JPEG
Published January 3, 2023
Peatlands have been mined in Ireland for centuries, but concern for climate is changing how they are managed.
720 x 700 JPEG
720 x 650 JPEG
5115 x 4741 3 MB - JPEG
Launch of the Water Watcher
Published December 17, 2022
The international Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission will measure the height of freshwater bodies and the ocean on more than 90 percent of Earth’s surface.
5472 x 3648 5 MB - JPEG
Sizing up Mauna Loa’s Lava Flows
Published December 16, 2022
Airborne mapping of the thickness of the lava flows helped scientists calculate that 230 million cubic meters of molten rock poured from the volcano during the two-week eruption.
1708 x 1139 2 MB - JPEG
Relic Chinampas in Mexico City
Published December 13, 2022
Many of the canals and floating fields used by ancient civilizations in the Valley of Mexico were lost as lakes were drained, but some examples of the watery fields remain in Xochimilco.
720 x 600 JPEG
3535 x 3431 5 MB - JPEG
Mount Etna Stands Above the Dust
Published December 8, 2022
Saharan dust clouded the skies but stayed low enough to frame the Italian island’s famously active volcano.
720 x 755 JPEG
5196 x 5196 4 MB - JPEG
Orion Views Earth from Afar
Published December 7, 2022
Fifty years after Apollo 17 astronauts photographed the iconic “blue marble” image, cameras in space have again captured distant views of our home planet.
Living the Lava Life on Mauna Loa
720 x 720 JPEG
Published December 5, 2022
A small research station in Hawaii where analog astronauts simulate living and working on the Moon or Mars is out of harm’s way after a lava flow appeared to be headed in its direction.
3612 x 3461 4 MB - JPEG
1819 x 1819 3 MB - JPEG
2036 x 1500 4 MB - JPEG
1151 x 767 945 KB - JPEG
Phytoplankton May Be Abundant Under Antarctic Sea Ice
Published November 29, 2022
New evidence shows that a sufficient amount of daylight penetrates the ice to sustain blooms of floating, plant-like organisms.