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Aral Sea Expansion
337 x 261 70 KB - JPEG
Published April 12, 2006
Once the fourth largest lake on Earth, the Aral Sea has shrunk dramatically over the past few decades as the primary rivers that fed the Sea were almost completely diverted for cotton farming and other agriculture. The decline of the sea has produced severe environmental, social, and public health problems. As part of a last-hope restoration effort...
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Dust storm in northeast China
337 x 265 79 KB - JPEG
Published April 11, 2006
A massive dust storm rages across the northeast portion of China in the “Inner Mongolia” region. The country in the upper left portion of the image is sometimes referred to as “Outer Mongolia” or simply “Mongolia”. The countries on the right side of the image are North and South Korea...
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Lake Natron, Tanzania
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Published April 3, 2006
The Serengeti Plain of Tanzania and Kenya dominate this image of Southeastern Africa. The savanna (grassland with sparse trees) region is renowned for its biological diversity, especially the so-called “big five”: elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos, and Cape buffalo. Some of the oldest fossils...
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Sierra Nevada
337 x 253 86 KB - JPEG
Published February 22, 2006
Contrasting colors depict a variety of land cover types in this image acquired on February 14, 2006. The azure tones of the Pacific at the left side of the image are interrupted by the rich texture of California’s Coastal Range, home of the famed redwoods ([i]Sequoia sempervirens[/i]) – the tallest tree in world, reaching 112.1 meters (367.8 feet) and over 2,000 years in age. The mountains give way to the fertile...
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