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A Sea of Icy Variability
720 x 288 PNG
Published February 24, 2022
Despite an overall trend of Arctic ice loss, the Bering Sea saw an expansion of sea ice due to a short-lived atmospheric-pressure pattern.
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720 x 480 JPEG
2672 x 1781 632 KB - JPEG
Sea Ice off Cape Navarin
720 x 526 JPEG
Published November 20, 2021
Wisps of sea ice have started to appear in the western Bering Sea amid cooler temperatures and shorter sunlit days.
720 x 720 JPEG
7516 x 8010 12 MB - JPEG
Arctic Sea Ice 12th-Lowest on Record
720 x 545 JPEG
Published September 22, 2021
Sea ice covered more area this summer compared to recent years, but it was also much thinner.
3610 x 2406 1019 KB Bytes - JPEG
720 x 499 PNG
An Upended Ecosystem in the Arabian Sea
720 x 916 PNG
Published August 5, 2021
How can snow cover on the Himalayas influence the species that thrive in the ocean a thousand kilometers away?
1735 x 1584 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
4896 x 3672 5 MB - JPEG
A Scorcher in Siberia and Europe
720 x 292 PNG
Published June 30, 2021
While record-breaking heat enveloped the Pacific Northwest in June 2021, other parts of the Northern Hemisphere also saw early-summer temperatures climb.
1845 x 1230 299 KB - JPEG
Sea Ice Highs and Lows
720 x 545 PNG
Published April 19, 2021
There were no records set in 2020-21, but the downward trends in polar ice continue.
720 x 445 PNG
720 x 520 PNG
The Long Decline of Arctic Sea Ice
Published January 6, 2021
Forty years of satellite data show that 2020 was just the latest in a decades-long decline of Arctic sea ice.
2158 x 2158 671 KB - JPEG