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Byrd Glacier, Antarctica
540 x 540 JPEG
Published April 1, 2007
The Byrd Glacier plunges through a deep, 15-mile-wide valley in the Transatlantic Mountains to create a 100-mile-long, rock-floored ice stream.
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4869 x 6492 4 MB - JPEG
6000 x 9000 119 MB - GeoTIFF
Tarso Tousside Volcano, Northern Chad
540 x 334 JPEG
Published March 18, 2007
The Tibesti Mountain Range in northern Chad is one of the world’s least-studied volcanic regions. A look at the area from space, however, must intrigue vulcanologists. One of the Tibesti Mountain’s features is Tarso Toussidé.
3727 x 2916 3 MB - JPEG
Lake Khanka in Eastern Russia and China
540 x 405 JPEG
Published February 18, 2007
At the juncture of the border between China and Russia sits Lake Khanka, also known as Lake Xinghai. Due to their importance to plant and animal species, the lake and the surrounding wetlands are protected by the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty for the protection and sustainable use of wetlands. Migratory birds that frequent this lake include several endangered species, such as the Japanese crane.
4800 x 4800 3 MB - JPEG
4800 x 4800 44 MB - GeoTIFF
Detailed View of Arctic Sea Ice
Published February 1, 2007
For many years, scientists have expected that climate change will be more rapid and dramatic at the poles than at lower latitudes, an expectation that has been demonstrated both with climate models and recent observations of snow and ice, surface temperatures, vegetation, and permafrost.
3258 x 3258 6 MB - JPEG
3400 x 3400 28 MB - GeoTIFF
Voyageurs National Park
Published October 1, 2006
Established in 1975, the park saw fur traders nearly two centuries earlier, and it supported human inhabitants thousands of years before that. Today, almost a third of the park is water, and travel through the park is usually by boat.
2400 x 2400 3 MB - JPEG
Salt Domes on Melville Island
Published August 27, 2006
1800 x 1800 3 MB - JPEG
Shiretoko National Park
Published August 13, 2006
Hokkaido’s Shiretoko Peninsula provides mostly temperate Japan with a taste of the Arctic.
4000 x 4000 4 MB - JPEG
Land Between The Lakes
Published July 16, 2006
President Kennedy designated this area a National Recreation Area in 1963 as a demonstration site to explore how an area with limited value for agricultural or timber harvesting and no major industrial activity could be transformed into an economically productive recreation area.
4000 x 4000 5 MB - JPEG