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Counting the Carbon in Mexico’s Forests
720 x 534 PNG
Published November 5, 2015
Mapping the density and location of tree cover can help the nation reduce deforestation and offset carbon emissions.
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2000 x 1320 2 MB - PNG
720 x 480 PNG
8,000-meter Peaks of the Himalaya and Karakoram
720 x 480 JPEG
Published January 28, 2014
The geologic story of the world’s tallest mountains is one that began some 40 million years ago.
3625 x 2889 2 MB - JPEG
1732 x 1154 706 KB - JPEG
Remembering UARS
720 x 720 JPEG
Published September 24, 2011
Twenty years ago this month, astronauts on the space shuttle Discovery used the spacecraft's robotic arm to launch the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite into orbit around the Earth.
2804 x 2804 4 MB - JPEG
One Pinnacle of Human Achievement to Another
Published April 13, 2011
Astronauts on flight STS-1 captured this view of the Tigris and Euphrates through a viewport on the space shuttle during its first flight in April 1981.
Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake near Christchurch, NZ
Published February 23, 2011
This map shows the location of earthquakes on near Christchurch, New Zealand between September 3, 2010, and February 22, 2011.
1198 x 1198 374 KB - JPEG
7.0 Quake near Christchurch, New Zealand
Published September 7, 2010
This topographic map of the South Island, New Zealand, illustrates the location of a large earthquake on September 4, 2010, how geologic activity shaped the region in the past, and why the current geology makes Christchurch vulnerable to earthquake damage.
4000 x 3000 4 MB - JPEG
7.3 Quake in New Britian
Published July 20, 2010
This color-coded map shows the topography, bathymetry, fault lines, and earthquake locations related to earthquakes in New Britain on July 18–19, 2010.
Earthquake on Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai, China
Published April 14, 2010
Based on data collected by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission in 2002, this map shows the location of the April 13, 2010, earthquake in Qinghai, China, as well as tectonic features of the eastern Tibetan Plateau.
2000 x 2000 3 MB - JPEG
Strong Aftershocks Rattle Chile Following Big Quake
Published March 11, 2010
This map of topography and water depth along the Chilean coast includes black circles that indicate aftershocks with a magnitude of 5.0 or larger that occurred between March 5 and 12, 2010, following the large earthquake on February 27.
8.8 Magnitude Quake near Concepcion, Chile
Published March 2, 2010
This map of topography and water depth reveals subduction’s influence on the West Coast of South America near the epicenter of the 8.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Chile on February 27, 2010.