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Bear Glacier, Gulf of Alaska
540 x 540 JPEG
Published November 8, 2006
Although they move slowly, glaciers do move, and this movement alters the ice as it passes over land. Likewise, a moving glacier can carry with it evidence of geologic events it has witnessed. The Bear Glacier in the Kenai Peninsula along the Gulf of Alaska bears multiple clues about its past.
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Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
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Ancient Bristlecones in Schulman Grove
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Landslide, Neelum River, Pakistan
540 x 853 JPEG
Published October 23, 2005
The magnitude 7.6 earthquake that shattered Pakistan on October 8, 2005, caused the most damage in the region surrounding the city of Muzaffarabad, about 10 kilometers southwest of the earthquake’s epicenter. The Ikonos satellite captured an image of a landslide in Makhri, a village on the northern outskirts of Muzzaffarabad, on October 9, 2005. The western face of the mountain has collapsed, sending a cascade of white-grey rock into the Neelum River. The landslide is likely only one of many to occur along the river, which is almost unrecognizable after the earthquake.
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