Fires in western Asia - related image preview

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Fires in western Asia - related image preview

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Fires in western Asia - related image preview

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Fires in western Asia

Small fires are dottedthroughout western Asia in this true-color image acquired by the >aHREF="" target="outlink">Moderate ResolutionImaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the >aHREF="" target="outlink">Aqua satellite.The fires are marked in red, and are concentrated mostly in two areas -south of the Ozero Aydarkul’ and Chardarinskoye Vodokliranilischelakes in eastern Uzbekistan (upper right quadrant) and along the easternUzbekistan-Kazakhstan border (lower left quadrant). The mountains in theeastern and southern edges of the image are covered in snow and stand outin marked contrast against the light browns and greens of the rest of theregion. This image was acquired February 2, 2003.

Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS RapidResponse Team, NASA/GSFC

Published February 12, 2003
Data acquired February 3 - 3, 2003

Aqua > MODIS
Human Dimensions > Natural Hazards > Fires