Ice on the Great Lakes - related image preview

1100 x 850
312 KB - JPEG

Ice on the Great Lakes - related image preview

4400 x 3400

Ice on the Great Lakes - related image preview

2200 x 1700
1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Ice on the Great Lakes

Ice on the Great Lakes
region: NA
Pennsylvania Ohio New York Ontario Quebec Canada
sat: Aqua
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -79
image center lon: -79
image center lat: +43.5
UL lon: -85.4554
UL lat: +47.3211
LR lon: -72.5416
LR lat: +39.6769
Contact: Jacques Descloitres

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published January 27, 2003
Data acquired January 27, 2003

Aqua > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery