Fires and smoke in Southeast Australia - related image preview

700 x 550
103 KB - JPEG

Fires and smoke in Southeast Australia - related image preview

2800 x 2200
884 KB - JPEG

Fires and smoke in Southeast Australia - related image preview

1400 x 1100
337 KB - JPEG

Fires and smoke in Southeast Australia

Fires and smoke in Southeast Australia
region: Au
New South Wales Victoria
sat: Aqua
projection: Sinusoidal
projection center lon: +147.5
image center lon: +147.5
image center lat: -36
UL lon: +143.7255
UL lat: -33.5278
LR lon: +151.5220
LR lat: -38.4741
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published February 1, 2003
Data acquired February 1, 2003

Aqua > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery