Fog in the North Sea - related image preview

950 x 1200
251 KB - JPEG

Fog in the North Sea - related image preview

3800 x 4800

Fog in the North Sea - related image preview

1900 x 2400
872 KB - JPEG

Fog in the North Sea

Fog in the North Sea
region: AL EU
Denmark Sweden Norway Germany Netherlands Belgium England Scotland
sat: Aqua
projection: Sinusoidal
image center lon: +5
image center lat: +56
UL lon: -3.9202
UL lat: +61.3955
UR lon: +13.9249
UR lat: +61.3955
LR lon: +11.7324
LR lat: +50.6036
LL lon: -1.7253
LL lat: +50.6036
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published March 26, 2003
Data acquired March 26, 2003

Aqua > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery