Asian smoke over the eastern United States - related image preview

850 x 1100
158 KB - JPEG

Asian smoke over the eastern United States - related image preview

3400 x 4400

Asian smoke over the eastern United States - related image preview

1700 x 2200
565 KB - JPEG

Asian smoke over the eastern United States

Asian smoke over the eastern United States
region: NA
Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina Canada Ontario
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
image center lon: -75
image center lat: +40
UL lon: -79.9879
UL lat: +44.9447
UR lon: -70.0091
UR lat: +44.9447
LR lon: -70.0091
LR lat: +35.0521
LL lon: -79.9850
LL lat: +35.0521
UL easting (km): -424.7500
UL northing (km): +4997.5000
x scale factor: +0.7660
ellipsoid: Sphere
Earth radius (km): 6371.007181
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published June 2, 2003
Data acquired June 2, 2003

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