0 x 0
Fires and smoke across in Eastern Russia
(afternoon overpass)
region: As
sat: Aqua
projection: Sinusoidal
image center lon: +139
image center lat: +50
UL lon: +131.8761
UL lat: +55.3948
UR lon: +146.1279
UR lat: +55.3948
LR lon: +144.6856
LR lat: +44.6029
LL lon: +133.3207
LL lat: +44.6029
UL easting (km): -449.7500
UL northing (km): +6159.5000
ellipsoid: Sphere
Earth radius (km): 6371.007181
Contact: Jacques Descloitres
Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.
Published July 24, 2003
Data acquired July 24, 2003