Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired August 23, 2003 1000 x 800 186 KB - JPEG
Data acquired August 23, 2003 4000 x 3200 2 MB - JPEG
Data acquired August 23, 2003 2000 x 1600 718 KB - JPEG
Sediment along the Hudson Bay coast, Canada region: NA sat: Terra projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: -85.0000 projection center lat: +54.5000 image center lon: -85 image center lat: +54.5 UL lon: -92.8376 UL lat: +58.0972 UR lon: -77.1585 UR lat: +58.0972 LR lon: -77.1585 LR lat: +50.9027 LL lon: -92.8376 LL lat: +50.9027 UL easting (km): -499.8750 UL northing (km): +6460.1250 x scale factor: +0.5735764363510462 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jacques Descloitres L2 granules: T032351650 T032351655
Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.
Published August 23, 2003 Data acquired August 23, 2003