Pollution across Eastern China and Korea - related image preview

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Pollution across Eastern China and Korea - related image preview

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Pollution across Eastern China and Korea - related image preview

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1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Pollution across Eastern China and Korea

Pollution across Eastern China and Korea
region: As
aerosol haze gravity waves vortex von karman
sat: Aqua
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +121.0000
projection center lat: +35.5000
image center lon: +121
image center lat: +35.5
UL lon: +111.6695
UL lat: +41.3451
UR lon: +130.3332
UR lat: +41.3451
LR lon: +130.3332
LR lat: +29.6540
LL lon: +111.6695
LL lat: +29.6540
UL easting (km): -849.8750
UL northing (km): +4597.3750
x scale factor: +0.8191520442889918
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jacques Descloitres
L2 granules: A033580500 A033580505

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published December 24, 2003
Data acquired December 24, 2003

Aqua > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery