Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired April 9, 2004 1900 x 2500 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
Data acquired April 9, 2004 7600 x 10000 8 MB - JPEG
Data acquired April 9, 2004 950 x 1250 318 KB - JPEG
Data acquired April 9, 2004 3800 x 5000 3 MB - JPEG
Typhoon Sudal (03W) over the Caroline Islands, east of the Philippines region: Pa As sat: Terra projection: Lambert Azimuthal projection center lon: +140.0000 projection center lat: +10.0000 image center lon: +135.5 image center lat: +10 UL lon: +128.9614 UL lat: +22.7038 UR lon: +146.7761 UR lat: +18.9884 LR lon: +141.3583 LR lat: -2.8759 LL lon: +124.7185 LL lat: +0.7130 UL easting (km): -1137.1296 UL northing (km): +1434.8229 UR easting (km): +714.1735 UR northing (km): +1007.4159 LR easting (km): +151.7959 LR northing (km): -1428.5092 LL easting (km): -1699.5073 LL northing (km): -1001.1022 rotation angle: +13.0000 ellipsoid: Sphere Earth radius (km): 6371.007181 Contact: Jacques Descloitres L2 granules: T041000135 T041000140
Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.
Published April 9, 2004 Data acquired April 9, 2004