Fires and burn scars across South Central Africa (false color) - related image preview

1400 x 1800
1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Fires and burn scars across South Central Africa (false color) - related image preview

5600 x 7200
11 MB - JPEG

Fires and burn scars across South Central Africa (false color) - related image preview

700 x 900
382 KB - JPEG

Fires and burn scars across South Central Africa (false color) - related image preview

2800 x 3600

Fires and burn scars across South Central Africa (false color)

Fires and burn scars across South Central Africa (false color)
region: Af
Congo Angola Zambia
sat: Aqua
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +22.0000
projection center lat: -10.0000
image center lon: +22
image center lat: -10
UL lon: +15.6818
UL lat: -1.9077
UR lon: +28.3204
UR lat: -1.9077
LR lon: +28.3204
LR lat: -18.0955
LL lon: +15.6818
LL lat: -18.0955
UL easting (km): -699.8750
UL northing (km): -212.1250
x scale factor: +0.9961946980917455
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jacques Descloitres
L2 granules: A042181205 A042181210

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published August 5, 2004
Data acquired August 5, 2004

Aqua > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery