Hurricane Katrina (12L) approaching the Gulf Coast - related image preview

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Hurricane Katrina (12L) approaching the Gulf Coast - related image preview

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Hurricane Katrina (12L) approaching the Gulf Coast - related image preview

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Hurricane Katrina (12L) approaching the Gulf Coast - related image preview

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Hurricane Katrina (12L) approaching the Gulf Coast

Hurricane Katrina (12L) approaching the Gulf Coast
region: NA
United States Mexico Florida Louisiana Mississippi Alabama
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -90.8000
projection center lat: +25.0000
image center lon: -90.8
image center lat: +25
UL lon: -95.2519
UL lat: +35.6374
UR lon: -80.5434
UR lat: +31.5619
LR lon: -86.3458
LR lat: +14.3614
LL lon: -101.0542
LL lat: +18.4369
UL easting (km): -448.6480
UL northing (km): +3962.6980
UR easting (km): +1033.6244
UR northing (km): +3509.5219
LR easting (km): +448.8810
LR northing (km): +1596.9124
LL easting (km): -1033.3914
LL northing (km): +2050.0885
x scale factor: +0.9063077870366499
rotation angle: +17.0000
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T052401655 T052401700

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published August 28, 2005
Data acquired August 28, 2005

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