Ash plume from eruption of Chaiten volcano, Chile (false color) - related image preview

600 x 750
165 KB - JPEG

Ash plume from eruption of Chaiten volcano, Chile (false color) - related image preview

2400 x 3000
1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Ash plume from eruption of Chaiten volcano, Chile (false color) - related image preview

1200 x 1500
503 KB - JPEG

Ash plume from eruption of Chaiten volcano, Chile (false color)

Ash plume from eruption of Chaiten volcano, Chile
(false color)
region: SA
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -69.8000
projection center lat: -43.0000
image center lon: -69.8
image center lat: -43
UL lon: -71.1306
UL lat: -38.8057
UR lon: -64.7467
UR lat: -41.0862
LR lon: -68.4678
LR lat: -47.1991
LL lon: -74.8517
LL lat: -44.9187
UL easting (km): -113.3448
UL northing (km): -4315.0059
UR easting (km): +430.4399
UR northing (km): -4568.5768
LR easting (km): +113.4762
LR northing (km): -5248.3077
LL easting (km): -430.3085
LL northing (km): -4994.7367
x scale factor: +0.7660444431189780
rotation angle: +25.0000
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T081231350

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published May 2, 2008
Data acquired May 2, 2008

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