The Maritimes, eastern Canada - related image preview

1100 x 850
151 KB - JPEG

The Maritimes, eastern Canada - related image preview

4400 x 3400
1 MB Bytes - JPEG

The Maritimes, eastern Canada - related image preview

2200 x 1700
546 KB - JPEG

The Maritimes, eastern Canada

The Maritimes, eastern Canada
region: NA
Nova Scotia New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Newfoundland Quebec United States Maine
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -63.0000
projection center lat: +47.0000
image center lon: -63
image center lat: +47
UL lon: -69.9935
UL lat: +50.8217
UR lon: -56.0033
UR lat: +50.8217
LR lon: -56.0033
LR lat: +43.1775
LL lon: -69.9935
LL lat: +43.1775
UL easting (km): -549.8750
UL northing (km): +5651.1250
x scale factor: +0.7071067811865476
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T082351505

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published August 22, 2008
Data acquired August 22, 2008

Terra > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery