Tropical cyclone Three (03B) over the Gulf of Aden - related image preview

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Tropical cyclone Three (03B) over the Gulf of Aden - related image preview

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Tropical cyclone Three (03B) over the Gulf of Aden - related image preview

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Tropical cyclone Three (03B) over the Gulf of Aden - related image preview

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Tropical cyclone Three (03B) over the Gulf of Aden

Tropical cyclone Three (03B) over the Gulf of Aden
region: Af As
Saudi Arabia Oman Yemen Solmalia Ethiopia
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +51.0000
projection center lat: +16.0000
image center lon: +51
image center lat: +16
UL lon: +42.6218
UL lat: +26.3400
UR lon: +59.3806
UR lat: +26.3400
LR lon: +59.3806
LR lat: +5.6556
LL lon: +42.6218
LL lat: +5.6556
UL easting (km): -899.8750
UL northing (km): +2928.8750
x scale factor: +0.9659258262890683
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T082970705 T082970710 T082970715

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published October 23, 2008
Data acquired October 23, 2008

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