Typhoon Choi-wan (15W) west of the Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean - related image preview

1400 x 1800
581 KB - JPEG

Typhoon Choi-wan (15W) west of the Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean - related image preview

5600 x 7200

Typhoon Choi-wan (15W) west of the Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean - related image preview

700 x 900
174 KB - JPEG

Typhoon Choi-wan (15W) west of the Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean - related image preview

2800 x 3600

Typhoon Choi-wan (15W) west of the Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean

Typhoon Choi-wan (15W) west of the Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean
region: Pa
sat: Aqua
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +142.2000
projection center lat: +20.0000
image center lon: +142.2
image center lat: +20
standard parallel: +20.0000
UL lon: +133.3877
UL lat: +26.0444
UR lon: +146.2672
UR lat: +29.5148
LR lon: +151.0155
LR lat: +13.9541
LL lon: +138.1360
LL lat: +10.4837
UL easting (km): -920.7925
UL northing (km): +2896.0066
UR easting (km): +424.9738
UR northing (km): +3281.8989
LR easting (km): +921.1211
LR northing (km): +1551.6278
LL easting (km): -424.6453
LL northing (km): +1165.7355
x scale factor: +0.9396926207859084
rotation angle: -16.0000
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: A092600335 A092600340

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published September 17, 2009
Data acquired September 17, 2009

Aqua > MODIS
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