Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired January 5, 2010 450 x 300 21 KB Bytes - JPEG
Data acquired January 5, 2010 1800 x 1200 179 KB Bytes - JPEG
Data acquired January 5, 2010 900 x 600 70 KB Bytes - JPEG
Icebergs B15F and B15K off the Princess Martha Coast, Antarctica region: An sat: Terra projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: -3.0000 projection center lat: -70.0000 image center lon: -3 image center lat: -70 standard parallel: -65.0000 UL lon: -7.7853 UL lat: -68.6530 UR lon: +1.7906 UR lat: -68.6530 LR lon: +1.7906 LR lat: -71.3510 LL lon: -7.7853 LL lat: -71.3510 UL easting (km): -224.8750 UL northing (km): -7633.8750 x scale factor: +0.4226182617406994 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jeff Schmaltz L2 granules: T100050920
Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.
Published January 5, 2010 Data acquired January 5, 2010