Hurricane Igor (11L) in the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

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Hurricane Igor (11L) in the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

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10 MB Bytes - JPEG

Hurricane Igor (11L) in the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

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311 KB - JPEG

Hurricane Igor (11L) in the Atlantic Ocean - related image preview

3600 x 4700

Hurricane Igor (11L) in the Atlantic Ocean

Hurricane Igor (11L) in the Atlantic Ocean
region: At
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -68.3000
projection center lat: +28.0000
image center lon: -68.3
image center lat: +28
standard parallel: +30.0000
UL lon: -73.6687
UL lat: +40.4709
UR lon: -55.7934
UR lat: +35.7381
LR lon: -62.9283
LR lat: +15.5275
LL lon: -80.8036
LL lat: +20.2603
UL easting (km): -516.9942
UL northing (km): +4500.1653
UR easting (km): +1204.3544
UR northing (km): +3973.8962
LR easting (km): +517.2809
LR northing (km): +1726.5800
LL easting (km): -1204.0677
LL northing (km): +2252.8491
x scale factor: +0.8660254037844387
rotation angle: +17.0000
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T102611525 T102611530

Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.

Published September 18, 2010
Data acquired September 18, 2010

Terra > MODIS
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