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Tropical Storm Maria (14L) off the Leeward Islands
region: At
sat: Terra
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -62.0000
projection center lat: +19.0000
image center lon: -62
image center lat: +19
standard parallel: +20.0000
UL lon: -68.6981
UL lat: +27.0932
UR lon: -55.2995
UR lat: +27.0932
LR lon: -55.2995
LR lat: +10.9054
LL lon: -68.6981
LL lat: +10.9054
UL easting (km): -699.8750
UL northing (km): +3012.6250
x scale factor: +0.9396926207859084
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: T112541450 T112541455
Images by the MODIS Rapid Response team.
Published September 11, 2011
Data acquired September 11, 2011