Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired October 23, 2011 750 x 1000 255 KB - JPEG
Data acquired October 23, 2011 3000 x 4000 3 MB - JPEG
Data acquired October 23, 2011 1500 x 2000 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
Northwestern Europe region: Eu Denmark Sweden Germany Holland The Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg France sat: Aqua projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: +9.0000 projection center lat: +53.5000 image center lon: +9 image center lat: +53.5 standard parallel: +55.0000 UL lon: +3.1223 UL lat: +57.9961 UR lon: +14.8817 UR lat: +57.9961 LR lon: +14.8817 LR lat: +49.0029 LL lon: +3.1223 LL lat: +49.0029 UL easting (km): -374.8750 UL northing (km): +6448.8750 x scale factor: +0.5735764363510462 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jeff Schmaltz L2 granules: A112961210
Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.
Published October 23, 2011 Data acquired October 23, 2011