Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired July 8, 2012 1500 x 1950 928 KB - JPEG
Data acquired July 8, 2012 6000 x 7800 7 MB - JPEG
Data acquired July 8, 2012 750 x 975 259 KB - JPEG
Data acquired July 8, 2012 3000 x 3900 3 MB - JPEG
Hurricane Daniel (04E) in the North Pacific Ocean region: Pa sat: Terra projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: -126.5000 projection center lat: +18.0000 image center lon: -126.5 image center lat: +18 standard parallel: +20.0000 UL lon: -131.0172 UL lat: +28.2133 UR lon: -117.1508 UR lat: +24.7219 LR lon: -121.9809 LR lat: +7.7827 LL lon: -135.8473 LL lat: +11.2741 UL easting (km): -471.9951 UL northing (km): +3137.1832 UR easting (km): +976.8937 UR northing (km): +2748.9547 LR easting (km): +472.1965 LR northing (km): +865.3993 LL easting (km): -976.6922 LL northing (km): +1253.6279 x scale factor: +0.9396926207859084 rotation angle: +15.0000 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jeff Schmaltz L2 granules: T121901915 T121901920
Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.
Published July 8, 2012 Data acquired July 8, 2012