Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired July 18, 2012 512 x 398 108 KB - JPEG
Data acquired July 18, 2012 2048 x 1592 797 KB - JPEG
Data acquired July 18, 2012 1024 x 796 363 KB - JPEG
Undersea eruption of Havre Seamount, Kermadec Islands, South Pacific region: Pa sat: Terra projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: -179.7500 projection center lat: -30.2500 image center lon: -179.75 image center lat: -30.25 standard parallel: +0.0000 UL lon: +177.9489 UL lat: -28.4624 UR lon: -177.4466 UR lat: -28.4624 LR lon: -177.4466 LR lat: -32.0417 LL lon: +177.9489 LL lat: -32.0417 UL easting (km): -255.8750 UL northing (km): -3164.8750 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jeff Schmaltz L2 granules: T122002145 T122002150
Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.
Published July 18, 2012 Data acquired July 18, 2012