Typhoon Tapah (06W) in the western Pacific Ocean - related image preview

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Typhoon Tapah (06W) in the western Pacific Ocean - related image preview

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Typhoon Tapah (06W) in the western Pacific Ocean - related image preview

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Typhoon Tapah (06W) in the western Pacific Ocean - related image preview

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Typhoon Tapah (06W) in the western Pacific Ocean

Typhoon Tapah (06W) in the western Pacific Ocean
region: Pa
sat: Aqua
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +146.4000
projection center lat: +15.0000
image center lon: +146.4
image center lat: +15
standard parallel: +15.0000
UL lon: +137.5159
UL lat: +23.2013
UR lon: +152.2293
UR lat: +25.4522
LR lon: +155.2879
LR lat: +6.7990
LL lon: +140.5745
LL lat: +4.5481
UL easting (km): -954.2030
UL northing (km): +2579.8672
UR easting (km): +626.0984
UR northing (km): +2830.1624
LR easting (km): +954.6108
LR northing (km): +756.0168
LL easting (km): -625.6906
LL northing (km): +505.7217
x scale factor: +0.9659258262890683
rotation angle: -9.0000
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: A141190350 A141190355

Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.

Published April 29, 2014
Data acquired April 29, 2014

Aqua > MODIS
Rapid Response Gallery