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Data acquired October 25, 2014 1250 x 1600 586 KB - JPEG
Data acquired October 25, 2014 5000 x 6400 4 MB - JPEG
Data acquired October 25, 2014 2500 x 3200 2 MB - JPEG
Tropical Storm Ana (02C) in the North Pacific Ocean region: Pa sat: Terra projection: Plate Carree projection center lon: -158.1000 projection center lat: +36.0000 image center lon: -158.1 image center lat: +36 standard parallel: +35.0000 UL lon: -164.1701 UL lat: +43.6556 UR lon: -150.4990 UR lat: +42.6758 LR lon: -152.0300 LR lat: +28.3415 LL lon: -165.7011 LL lat: +29.3212 UL easting (km): -552.9001 UL northing (km): +4854.2854 UR easting (km): +692.3433 UR northing (km): +4745.3408 LR easting (km): +552.8941 LR northing (km): +3151.4292 LL easting (km): -692.3493 LL northing (km): +3260.3739 x scale factor: +0.8191520442889918 rotation angle: +5.0000 ellipsoid: WGS84 Contact: Jeff Schmaltz L2 granules: T142982055 T142982100
Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.
Published October 25, 2014 Data acquired October 25, 2014