Another New Lake in Egypt - related image preview

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Another New Lake in Egypt - related image preview


Another New Lake in Egypt - related image preview

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Another New Lake in Egypt - related image preview

342 x 228

Another New Lake in Egypt

As the Space Shuttle Atlantis passed over southern Egypt in mid-March 2001, the STS-102 astronauts were able to document new flooding in the Toshka region west of Lake Nasser. The formation of the Toshka Lakes in southern Egypt is part of Egypt’s New Valley Project. The flooding of the region has been monitored by astronauts since 1998, and continues to show rapid changes.

Image number STS0102-716-25. Images provided by the Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center. Additional images taken by astronauts can be viewed at NASA-JSC's Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Published April 22, 2001
Data acquired March 15, 2001

Space Shuttle > Medium Format Camera
Astronaut Photography