Data acquired April 16, 2016
1468 x 1136
517 KB - JPEG
Phytoplankton bloom in the Black Sea
region: Eu As
sat: SNPP
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +33.0000
projection center lat: +43.5000
image center lon: +33
image center lat: +43.5
standard parallel: +45.0000
UL lon: +26.0033
UL lat: +47.3290
UR lon: +40.0062
UR lat: +47.3290
LR lon: +40.0062
LR lat: +39.6668
LL lon: +26.0033
LL lat: +39.6668
UL easting (km): -550.1250
UL northing (km): +5262.7500
x scale factor: +0.7071067811865476
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: N161071030
Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.
Published April 16, 2016
Data acquired April 16, 2016