Tropical Storms Darby (05E), Estelle (06E), Frank (07E) and Georgette (08E) in the eastern Pacific O - related image preview

3934 x 2134

Tropical Storms Darby (05E), Estelle (06E), Frank (07E) and Georgette (08E) in the eastern Pacific O - related image preview

15736 x 8536
26 MB - JPEG

Tropical Storms Darby (05E), Estelle (06E), Frank (07E) and Georgette (08E) in the eastern Pacific O - related image preview

1967 x 1067
795 KB - JPEG

Tropical Storms Darby (05E), Estelle (06E), Frank (07E) and Georgette (08E) in the eastern Pacific O - related image preview

7868 x 4268
11 MB - JPEG

Tropical Storms Darby (05E), Estelle (06E), Frank (07E) and Georgette (08E) in the eastern Pacific O

Tropical Storms Darby (05E), Estelle (06E), Frank (07E) and Georgette (08E) in the eastern Pacific Ocean
region: Pa
sat: SNPP
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -129.5000
projection center lat: +16.5000
image center lon: -129.5
image center lat: +16.5
standard parallel: +15.0000
UL lon: -156.9670
UL lat: +30.8917
UR lon: -102.0260
UR lat: +30.8917
LR lon: -102.0260
LR lat: +2.1044
LL lon: -156.9670
LL lat: +2.1044
UL easting (km): -2950.1250
UL northing (km): +3435.0000
x scale factor: +0.9659258262890683
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: N162042010 N162042015 N162042150 N162042155 N162042200 N162042330 N162042335 N162042340

Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.

Published July 22, 2016
Data acquired July 22, 2016

Rapid Response Gallery