Solar eclipse over the South Atlantic Ocean (VIIRS afternoon overpass) - related image preview

1734 x 3468
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Solar eclipse over the South Atlantic Ocean (VIIRS afternoon overpass) - related image preview

6936 x 13872
12 MB - JPEG

Solar eclipse over the South Atlantic Ocean (VIIRS afternoon overpass) - related image preview

867 x 1734
434 KB - JPEG

Solar eclipse over the South Atlantic Ocean (VIIRS afternoon overpass) - related image preview

3468 x 6936

Solar eclipse over the South Atlantic Ocean (VIIRS afternoon overpass)

Solar eclipse over the South Atlantic Ocean
(VIIRS afternoon overpass)
region: At
sat: SNPP
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: -24.0000
projection center lat: -33.5000
image center lon: -24
image center lat: -33.5
standard parallel: -30.0000
UL lon: -37.5011
UL lat: -10.1106
UR lon: -10.4911
UR lat: -10.1106
LR lon: -10.4911
LR lat: -56.8933
LL lon: -37.5011
LL lat: -56.8933
UL easting (km): -1300.1250
UL northing (km): -1124.2500
x scale factor: +0.8660254037844387
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: N170571300 N170571306 N170571312 N170571618 N170571624 N170571630 N170571636 N170571442 N170571448 N170571454

Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.

Published February 26, 2017
Data acquired February 26, 2017

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