Tropical Cyclone Mora (02B) over the Bay of Bengal - related image preview

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Tropical Cyclone Mora (02B) over the Bay of Bengal - related image preview

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Tropical Cyclone Mora (02B) over the Bay of Bengal - related image preview

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Tropical Cyclone Mora (02B) over the Bay of Bengal - related image preview

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1 MB Bytes - JPEG

Tropical Cyclone Mora (02B) over the Bay of Bengal

Tropical Cyclone Mora (02B) over the Bay of Bengal
region: As In
sat: SNPP
projection: Plate Carree
projection center lon: +91.0000
projection center lat: +17.0000
image center lon: +91
image center lat: +17
standard parallel: +15.0000
UL lon: +82.6101
UL lat: +27.5732
UR lon: +99.3969
UR lat: +27.5732
LR lon: +99.3969
LR lat: +6.4211
LL lon: +82.6101
LL lat: +6.4211
UL easting (km): -901.1250
UL northing (km): +3066.0000
x scale factor: +0.9659258262890683
ellipsoid: WGS84
Contact: Jeff Schmaltz
L2 granules: N171490606 N171490612 N171490748 N171490754

Images by the LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team.

Published May 29, 2017
Data acquired May 29, 2017

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