Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria - related image preview

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Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria - related image preview

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Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria - related tiff image preview placeholder

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13 MB - TIFF

Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria - related image preview

720 x 480

Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria - related tiff image preview placeholder

5760 x 3240
18 MB - TIFF

Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria

The hurricane took a disproportionate toll on power supplies in remote areas of Puerto Rico.

NASA Scientific Visualization Studio images by Kel Elkins, using Suomi NPP data courtesy of Miguel Román, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Story by Ellen Gray, NASA Earth Science News Team, and Mike Carlowicz.

Published December 12, 2018
Data acquired 2017 - March 20, 2018

Applied Sciences
Earth at Night