The swerving path of Antarctic iceberg A-68A is dictated by a large and powerful current.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin and Joshua Stevens, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS/LANCE and GIBS/Worldview, ocean bathymetry data from the British Oceanographic Data Center’s General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), digital elevation data from the British Antarctic Survey, OSCAR (Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time) data from the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). The Landsat image was acquired at special request to the U.S. Geological Survey by Ted Scambos (CIRES) and Christopher Shuman (UMBC/NASA). Story by Kathryn Hansen.
Published December 23, 2020
Data acquired December 20, 2020