Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

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Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

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465 KB - JPEG

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

720 x 480

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

1073 x 921
468 KB - JPEG

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

720 x 643

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

1073 x 921
551 KB - JPEG

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

720 x 498

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

2974 x 2057
360 KB - JPEG

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine - related image preview

2974 x 2057
306 KB - JPEG

Tracking Night Lights in Ukraine

The data are useful for researchers and relief agencies because they provide estimates of where and how many people have lost access to basic services.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Black Marble data courtesy of Ranjay Shrestha/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Story by Michael Carlowicz.

Published June 29, 2022
Data acquired January - May 2022

Landsat 9 > OLI-2
Earth at Night